Sunday, 23 June 2013


This crazy mind of mine simply leaves me every day with a brain-fog, that can be funny because of the mixed up words I'm saying eg the wrong words for things  , or my confused mind that can be quite frustrating and hurtful to my sensitive soul .

I sometimes over-react I know this,  but it is a real heart jerking situation when i get really confused , heaven knows what other people think, people who don't know me or my situation.

My speech can become slurred too giving others the impression that I'm drunk - oh what a life.

I know that the lighter side of this is the only way to think but underneath it all i worry. I worry that I'm losing the plot, I worry that I'm getting dementia, I've even spoken to the doctor about my concerns only to be told that she doesn't think i have dementia, nothing about well to put your mind at ease lets take some bloods, heavens they have taken so much blood in the past that I'm sure a little more won't do me any damage. What is happening tho is that I'm being sent to the memory clinic- but I've been waiting a month or so to get word that I think they have forgotten lolgiggle

If anyone out there is suffering symptoms like mine then rest assured its only 'Brain-Fog' brought on thro medication and the affects of this illness. However if you are really worried talk to your doctor

hugs Kira x


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