Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Such a bad virus to fight

Finally after almost 3 weeks of feeling dreadfully ill and hardly being ably to get out of bed , I am finally feeling more better and more myself :-) I still feel done in and need to sleep alot but the haze is lifting and there is sunshine out there to welcome my pale face. I've found a new hobby to catch up on again to pass my time and hopefully let others enjoy it too. I love making musical videos to my favourite music . I've posted a few on my blog already, i'll try to attach one or two to this blog , if it works it should be fun and i'd appreciate your comments. I've tried to add some vids on this page and after about 4 attempts its worked :-) yeah!!!!!!!   i've also managed to add some on my profile page , hope you'll take a look and comment .

Going back to bed shortly as i still feel light headed and tired. Hope you all have a good day , you're in my thoughts . Special thoughts to jacqueline who gave me such a lovely pamper box gift.

love & Namaste Kira x 


  1. glad you're feeling a little better.Hugsx

  2. Thank-you dear sue for your caring thoughts, I hope that you are feeling good too , Hugs x

  3. Love the music and video you put together here. Hugs. Sue. X

    1. thanks Sue, making music videos is as much a passion for me as is writing poetry, glad you enjoyed , hugs Kira x
