Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Why ????????

Last nite must have been the worst i've had in a little while, normally i can cope with my pain, as my threshold is quite high , but i was awake til 4am finally took some herbal sleeping tablets and managed to get 2 hours sleep before i was awake again. Pain so intense that i sobbed with it and really honestly and truly didn't want to go on, i just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel . I just wanted it to end. It ok putting a brave face on things but no-one really knows how much and how badly i suffer, no-one but Colin.

Glad to say my pain is more bearable now ....

The hydro therapy pool-

the nearest to our home is in Nairn , miles away !!!!

Colin spoke to my doctor who was as much use as a chocolate fire guard, she offered a doctors pass to get me into the local swimming pool , no good at all as a hydro pool has to be at body temperature. Swimming pools in general are not .

He also spoke to my Occupational Therapist who informed him that there is a big demand for a hydro pool , they have the staff , they have the equipment, they just don't have a pool. She told Colin that on the site where the New Larbert hospital is built there was infact a hydro pool which they demolished . Seems to us to be such a waste Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Colin is on a mission to get as much awareness as possible and sponsored help  to enable a new pool to be built , to be used for as many as possible. Facts show that Fibromyalgia reacts well to this sort of thing , but also when you think of all the disabilities and people who could use the pool , well its got to be a good thing even if it didn't help Fibro .

Life is hard isn't it , but people's spirits are strong and we always manage somehow to pick ourselves up again. Thanks to the people who love us and our carers .

If you can support this cause in any way even just by word of mouth to others , then please do

hugs Kira x

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